Priority1 Marketing

10 Ways to Use Facebook Ad Library for Competitive Research

10 Ways to Use Facebook Ad Library for Competitive Research

With over 2.9 billion active users, Facebook remains one of the most influential platforms for advertisers. But launching ads is just the beginning—creating effective campaigns that resonate with your target audience is key. One powerful tool to help you achieve this is the Facebook Ad Library. This platform provides an open window into ads running across Facebook and its affiliated platforms, offering invaluable insights into competitor strategies. In this guide, we’ll explore 10 ways to use Facebook Ad Library for competitive research, helping you gather actionable data to refine your advertising efforts and gain an edge in your market.

What is Facebook Ad Library?

What is Facebook Ad Library

The Facebook Ad Library is a comprehensive, searchable archive of all the ads currently running across Facebook, Instagram, Messenger, and other platforms within Facebook’s ecosystem. Launched as part of Facebook’s commitment to transparency, especially around political ads, it allows any user to search and view active ads for any brand or organisation.

What Data Does Facebook Ad Library Offer?

The Facebook Ad Library provides a wealth of information, including:

  • Creative elements: Access to images, videos, and text used in ads.
  • Ad start and end dates: Know when an ad started running and if it’s still live.
  • Placement insights: Information about where the ad is being shown, whether on Facebook, Instagram, or other connected platforms.
  • Advertiser details: Includes business names, and for issue-based or political ads, disclaimers are available.

These details give marketers the chance to analyse competitor campaigns and identify strategies that are driving results.

Why Use Facebook Ad Library for Competitive Research?

For marketers, the Facebook Ad Library serves as a treasure trove of data. It offers a unique opportunity to explore and study competitors’ advertising efforts in real-time. By understanding what’s working for them, you can enhance your own approach, avoid mistakes, and stay one step ahead in a crowded marketplace.

1. Track Competitor Ad Campaigns

One of the most effective ways to use Facebook Ad Library is by tracking the ads of your competitors. By simply entering the name of a competitor’s brand or company, you can view all the active ads they are running. This allows you to see what they are promoting, what messaging they are using, and how they position themselves in the market. 

Benefits of Monitoring Competitor Ads

  • Stay up to date with changes in your competitors’ strategies. 
  • Understand how frequently they refresh and update their ads. 
  • Gain insights into their product launches, seasonal promotions, and ongoing offers.

2. Identify Competitor Targeting Strategies

While Facebook Ad Library won’t show you the exact targeting parameters used in ads, you can still gather clues from the ad’s content, language, and placement. For instance, if a competitor is running ads in a specific language or using culturally relevant visuals, you can infer their target audience. 

Understanding How Targeting Influences Ad Performance

By studying the tone, visuals, and copy of competitor ads, you can deduce whether they’re targeting younger audiences, niche groups, or a specific demographic. This insight allows you to fine-tune your targeting and optimise ad relevance for your audience.

3. Analyse Ad Creatives

Facebook ads rely heavily on strong visuals and compelling copy to capture attention. Using Facebook Ad Library, you can analyse the creative aspects of your competitors’ ads, from the design elements to the messaging used. Are they focusing on minimalist designs, bold imagery, or emotional storytelling? 

Importance of Ad Visuals and Copy

A great ad combines persuasive copy with effective visuals. By analysing how competitors are visually presenting their products, you can understand how they position their brand and potentially find inspiration to differentiate your own ads.

4. Discover Trends in Ad Copy and CTAs

A significant aspect of ad success lies in effective copy and clear calls to action (CTAs). The Facebook Ad Library enables you to observe the language used by competitors in their ads. Are they emphasising urgency (“Act Now”) or offering incentives (“Free Shipping”)? 

Common Copy Styles and Effective CTAs

  • Emotional appeals: “Don’t Miss Out” or “Save Big Now” 
  • Incentive-driven: “Get 20% Off” or “Limited-Time Offer” 
  • Question-based: “Looking for the Perfect Gift?” 

Analysing these trends can help you develop more engaging and effective copy for your own campaigns.

5. Study Competitor Ad Frequency and Duration

Facebook Ad Library allows you to track how long an ad has been running, which can be a strong indicator of its success. A long-running ad might mean that it’s delivering good results, whereas frequently changing ads could indicate a testing or experimentation phase. 

Evaluating the Timing and Consistency of Ads

  • Do competitors run ads continuously, or do they run only during specific seasons or sales? 
  • Are their ads aligned with product launches or major events? 

By studying the frequency and duration of ads, you can estimate how competitors manage their advertising schedules and adapt your own accordingly.

6. Observe Competitor Ad Spend

While Facebook Ad Library doesn’t provide specific figures on ad spend, you can make educated guesses by analysing the number and diversity of ads a competitor is running. If a company has multiple ads running simultaneously across various platforms, it’s likely they have a significant ad budget. 

How Ad Spend Reflects Strategy

A larger ad spend can suggest that a competitor is heavily investing in a particular product or service. Understanding this focus helps you deduce their strategic priorities and adjust your approach to either compete directly or find niche opportunities.

7. Uncover New Audience Segments

By reviewing competitor ads, you may discover new audience segments that you hadn’t previously considered targeting. For instance, a competitor running ads for eco-friendly products may signal that they are targeting a sustainability-conscious audience. 

Finding Gaps in the Market

Sometimes, your competitors might be neglecting specific demographics or interests. This gap presents an opportunity for you to capture a market they are overlooking and gain a competitive edge.

8. Track Ad Performance Benchmarks

While Facebook Ad Library doesn’t reveal direct performance metrics such as clicks or conversions, you can still track ad longevity. Ads that remain live for long periods often indicate positive performance.

Using Competitor Data to Set Performance Goals

By tracking how long certain ad formats run, you can establish benchmarks for your own ads. If your competitor has sustained success with a particular style, it may be worth testing something similar within your campaigns.

9. Find Seasonal and Event-Based Campaigns

Seasonal campaigns—such as Black Friday, Christmas, or industry-specific events—often play a pivotal role in a business’s yearly revenue. By examining the timing and content of competitor ads during these periods, you can see how they align their advertising with calendar events.

Leveraging Calendar Events for Timely Ads

Discover how competitors utilise seasonal promotions or tie their ads to holidays and events. You can use this data to plan your own seasonal campaigns, ensuring they resonate at the right time and target the right audience.

10. Gain Insights into Industry-Wide Trends

The Facebook Ad Library is not just a tool for monitoring individual competitors—it also helps you spot broader industry trends. By looking at what types of products and services are being advertised most heavily, you can gain valuable insights into the direction your industry is heading. 

Spotting Trends in Broader Market Contexts 

Are there any recurring themes or messages across multiple brands? This can indicate an emerging trend, such as sustainability or tech innovations, allowing you to adjust your strategy and stay relevant in the ever-evolving market landscape.

How Priority1 Marketing Can Help in Facebook Ads

At Priority1 Marketing, we excel in helping businesses create high-performing Facebook ad campaigns. We start by analysing your business goals and target audience to design customised, effective ad strategies. Our team handles everything from compelling ad creatives to engaging ad copy, ensuring that your campaigns resonate with your audience. Additionally, we use Facebook Ad Library and other advanced tools to keep a close eye on industry trends and competitor strategies, allowing us to continuously optimise and fine-tune your campaigns for maximum ROI. With Priority1, you can be confident that your Facebook ads will not only reach the right audience but also drive conversions and elevate your brand’s presence. 


The Facebook Ad Library is a powerful tool for businesses aiming to stay competitive in the digital advertising world. By using the strategies outlined here, you can gain invaluable insights into your competitors’ campaigns, track trends, and improve your own ad performance. Whether you’re looking to identify new audience segments or optimise your creative approach, leveraging Facebook Ad Library for competitive research will help your business thrive in a fast-paced, data-driven market.


Can I see how much my competitor is spending on Facebook ads?

While Facebook Ad Library doesn’t reveal exact ad budgets, you can gauge ad spend by observing the number and types of ads your competitors are running.

Does Facebook Ad Library show ad performance metrics?

No, Facebook Ad Library doesn’t provide metrics like clicks or conversions. However, you can infer ad success by tracking how long an ad has been running.

How do I find my competitor's ads in Facebook Ad Library?

You can search for any brand or business using the Facebook Ad Library’s search bar. Simply enter the competitor’s name, and you’ll see all their active ads.

Can I see ads from Instagram and Messenger too?

Yes, the Facebook Ad Library covers ads running on Facebook, Instagram, Messenger, and other Facebook-affiliated platforms.

Is the Facebook Ad Library free to use?

Yes, the Facebook Ad Library is completely free and accessible to anyone.